

提供機構: Viva Media Limited

有效日期: 直至另行通知為止

Company Background: Viva Media is a leading mobile and digital solutions consultant based in Hong Kong. They are specializing in offering the reliable and advanced Mobile Applications (i.e. iPhone and Android apps) and a full range of relevant marketing solutions, as well as providing quality and professional services to consultancy, creative and execution.

Viva Media have their own community of developers experiencing in developing iPhone & Android apps and digital platform ranging from standard product showing to developing customized apps upon the clients’ requirements, and even interactive mobile gaming solutions.

項目: Production of Mobile Applications (i.e. iPhone and Android apps) and a full range of relevant marketing solutions.



項目 折扣
iOS Application (including iPhone & iPad) Production 15%
Android Application Production 15%
Facebook Application Production 10%
Website Production 10%
E-book Production 12%
E-magazine Production 12%
E-magazine (with interactive function) Production 12%
Other Software Production 10%

Contact: For more information please call Mr. Billy Li at 3622 2595


Viva Media Limited

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