Men’s Health: Fact and Fictions on Prostate Cancer

Connected to Share: Health Talk Series 通達分享:健康講座系列

a state-of-the-art talk series to enhance quality of life 先進內容講座系列,以提升生活素質
a value-added free-of-charge service for members 為會員提供增值的免費服務

Speaker 主講嘉賓:Dr Wayne Lam
MBBS, BSc(Hons), MSc(Urology), MRCS(Eng),
LMCHK, FRCSEd(Urology)
Specialist in Urology
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery,
The University of Hong Kong

Topic 主題:Men’s Health: Fact and Fictions on Prostate Cancer
Language 語言:English 英文
Date 日期:Monday 17 May 2021
Time 時間:4:00 – 5:00 pm
Platform 平台:The HKIoD Zoom Platform 香港董事學會 Zoom 平台
Participants 參加者:HKIoD members and their invited guests
Session Host 主持:Mr William Lo, Deputy Chairman, HKIoD
香港董事學會副主席 羅志聰先生
Enquiries 聯絡方法:Joanne Yam 任小姐 2889 1414 / Charlie Cheung 張先生 2889 0789