Advocating Good Corporate Governance a review of 2020 and a preview of upcoming HKEX initiatives

“What They Advocate” Talks 「 他們的倡議 」講座
on Monday 13 December 2021 2021年12月13日星期一
Mr Bernie Ting 丁煒章先生
Mr Ivan Wong 王紹基先生JP
Mr Huen Wong 王桂壎先生 BBS JP
Mr Henry Lai 賴顯榮律師 (Host)
Dr Justin Chiu 趙國雄博士
Ir Eric Ma 馬紹祥工程師 GBS JP

Theme 主題: Expectations on HKSAR Leadership 對香港特區領導的期望

Highlights of address

The Hong Kong Institute of Directors invited five members who were elected as members of the 2021 Hong Kong Election Committee Subsector elections to share their expectations for the leadership of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The speakers expressed their hope to avail of more resources for the sectors they represent. In addition, they expect that the new leadership will have strong execution capability, make good use of networks, and engage appropriate talents. Externally, the leadership is expected to have political wisdom, rapport and ability to reinstate the best of Hong Kong’s image in the world. Under “One Country, Two Systems” and in line with national policies, the people of Hong Kong look forward to continue enjoying the rule of law and freedom.

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